5 reasons to practice intergenerational co-leadership in the workplace


The MetroMorphosis Intergenerational Co-Leadership team is taking their thought leadership and insights to new heights. Co-leads Raymond A. Jetson and Sherreta R. Harrison wrote a piece entitled The Future of Leadership is Plural: 5 Reasons You Should Practice Intergenerational Co-Leadership that was published by Next Avenue!

Current leadership styles are becoming outdated, are not leaving room for innovation and are harming those at the top in ways that can be altered. The piece explores the concept of intergenerational co-leadership and some reasons that organizations should consider practicing it.

Click HERE to read the article and share it with your network.

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In Case You Missed It

Need to catch up on your intergenerational co-leadership readings? Or maybe you are in need of a refresher. Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered.

Visit the Intergenerational Co-Leadership page and read Movement Insights or watch the video by clicking HERE!i

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