Happy Holiday to You & Yours


Happy Holidays

Dear Friends,

As we prepare to depart for the upcoming holiday season and start of a new year, we could not help but to reflect on some of the critical moments of 2022.

This year MetroMorphosis celebrated 10 years of transforming urban communities from within and we recognize that much of our success can be contributed to citizens like you who are engaged and actively contributing to the change they wish to see.

Our office will be closed from Dec. 22 – Jan. 9 while our team recharges before returning to serve again in 2023.

We want to thank you for celebrating our 10th year with us, but more importantly for allowing us to operate alongside you to co-create a Baton Rouge where all people can thrive.

As we take stock of the wins that we’ve had this year, being in relationship with YOU is at the top of our list. Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones. 

– Your MetroMorphosis Team

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