Celebrating ULDI’s Journey and Welcoming Our New Cohorts!

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As you may know, 2024 is a landmark year for the Urban Leadership Development Initiative. In late May, Cohort 9 completed their journey as marked by our annual pinning ceremony and on June 8th, we kicked off our 10th cohort with 27 Baton Rouge change-agents eager to delve into the world of ULDI.

Celebrating Cohort 9’s Accomplishments

We are proud to celebrate the achievements of Cohort 9, who have recently completed the ULDI program with remarkable success! Their journey has been filled with dedication, resilience, and a commitment to driving positive change. Here’s what some of our Cohort 9 completers had to say about their experience:

What is the BEST thing about ULDI?

  • “The sessions. Each one was different and I never knew what to expect walking in, but always left feeling like I learned something. I was challenged and ultimately had a better outlook on things after leaving the sessions.”

  • “The best thing about ULDI is that the process is led by change makers. I loved the literature we used, the exercises that inspired individual and collaborative thinking, as well as the structure of seating arrangements within our sessions. Each session was designed purposefully. I left every session feeling mentally stimulated, ready to get on the phone and share what I learned that day. The sessions inspired me, motivated me, and became part of my everyday approach in practicing leadership.”

  • “The resources we used to learn (The Practice Of Adaptive Leadership, You’re More Powerful Than You Think, & all other reading materials) and the relationships I’ve been able to build over the past couple of months.”

As they transition into the alumni network, these leaders are poised to take on new challenges and continue their journey of making a difference in urban communities. We can’t wait to see what’s next for them!

Welcoming Cohort 10

We are thrilled to announce the arrival of Cohort 10, a group of dynamic and passionate individuals ready to embark on their ULDI journey. Here are some expectations and aspirations from our newest members:

  • “I’m looking forward to connecting with all of the amazing talent and expertise within this program.”

  • “Learning how to be most effective in driving genuine change in Baton Rouge and connecting with others who share the same passion is my goal.”

  • “I’m eager to make a real difference and learn the best practices to do so effectively.”

Cohort 10 brings fresh perspectives and a shared passion for community transformation. We are excited to support them as they grow and develop into the next generation of changemakers practicing leadership.

Explore the ULDI StoryWe invite you to delve into the inspiring 10-year story of ULDI, our mission, and the impact we’ve made over the years. We share the what, why, who and even what’s next in this beautifully crafted piece that captures the essence of our journey and the amazing work being done by our alumni. You can read the full story HERE.

Watch Our ULDI Story Video

Discover the origins and mission behind the Urban Leadership Development Initiative (ULDI) through our compelling new video. Over a decade ago, Raymond Jetson founded ULDI with the vision of creating a dedicated leadership pipeline for communities of color in Baton Rouge. This video details the foundational story of ULDI, showcasing how it has grown into a transformative 10-month program that combines thoughtful dialogue, dynamic guest speakers, and personal encounters aimed at developing leaders capable of tackling urban challenges.

Learn about the early days of ULDI, the impactful curriculum designed by Dr. Lori Martin and Chris Tyson, and the continuous evolution of the program led by our dedicated Chief Executive Catalyst and ULDI alumni, Sherreta Harrison. See how ULDI has made a significant impact on the community by fostering leaders who are committed to creating positive change.

Thank you for your continued support and for being a part of the ULDI community. Together, we are making a difference and building stronger, more vibrant urban communities.