Unlocking the Power of Black Philanthropy: Insights and Actions


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We’ve curated impactful reads and actionable opportunities to help you engage with the movement for racial equity in philanthropy. Whether through learning, sharing, or giving, your involvement is crucial to driving lasting change.

Explore the articles and calls to action below, and join us in making a meaningful impact.

The Power of Black Giving

In her latest op-ed, our Chief Executive Catalyst, Sherreta Harrison, reflects on the often-overlooked contributions of Black philanthropy and how these efforts truly define what it means to give. Drawing on the example of the Valdry family’s transformative gift to Southern University, she explores the deep-rooted traditions of generosity within the Black community—traditions that have long sustained and built communities despite systemic barriers.

Sherreta challenges traditional definitions of philanthropy, highlighting how smaller, consistent contributions from those with less wealth can be just as impactful—if not more so—than large, well-publicized donations. She also discusses the disparities in funding that Black-led organizations face and underscores the importance of individual giving in bridging these gaps.

This op-ed is a powerful reminder that philanthropy is not exclusive to the wealthy; it’s an expression of community and a testament to the power and generosity that have long been hallmarks of Black giving.

Read the full op-ed here.

The Miseducation of Philanthropy: Understanding and Participation

In our ongoing effort to foster a deeper understanding of Black philanthropy, we believe it is essential to explore how philanthropy has been practiced in Black and Brown communities, often in ways that challenge traditional definitions. In the  “The Miseducation of Philanthropy: Understanding and Participation“, authors George Bell and Lauren Crump discuss the creative and resilient ways Black and Brown communities have historically pooled resources, supported one another, and institutionalized their practices—often without formal recognition. These efforts challenge traditional definitions of philanthropy and highlight the importance of community-driven action. This piece dives into the creative and resilient ways these communities have historically pooled resources, supported one another, and institutionalized their practices, often without formal recognition. By reading this article, you’ll gain insight into the often-overlooked forms of philanthropy that are integral to community empowerment and resilience. We encourage you to revisit this powerful contribution, available here on our website.

What Black Philanthropy Can Teach White Philanthropists

We also recommend “What Black Philanthropy Can Teach White Philanthropists” an insightful article that sheds light on the unique approaches and challenges of Black philanthropy. As an organization committed to promoting racial equity and supporting Black-led initiatives, we believe this piece  offers valuable lessons on how traditional philanthropy can evolve to be more inclusive and effective. It  highlights the importance of community-based giving, the power of collective action, and the resilience of Black philanthropists in the face of systemic barriers. By reading and reflecting, you will better understand the nuances of Black philanthropy and how these practices can inform more equitable approaches to giving. You can read the full article here.

Support the Black Philanthropy Fund

As we explore these critical perspectives on Black philanthropy, we invite you to take action by supporting the Black Philanthropy Fund. This fund is dedicated to bridging economic gaps in urban communities by providing essential financial support to Black-led organizations engaged in transformative work. Your contribution is not just a donation—it’s an investment in equity, growth, and the future of our communities. Join us in this vital effort by donating today at bit.ly/MMBlackPhilanthropyFund.

Thank you for taking the time to explore these important resources and for your continued support of our mission. Together, we can amplify the impact of Black philanthropy and create lasting change in our communities. We look forward to your active involvement as we work toward a more equitable and thriving future.


