Reclaim elders as leaders and mentors

MetroMorphosisIn the News

By Raymond Jetson | Published in The Advocate Last week, Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome and Chief Murphy Paul announced a plan to establish an advisory council to the chief, “to advise and support the police chief in another effort to improve community-police relations and boost law enforcement transparency.” The suggestion was offered by a diverse …

Community column for Aug. 21

MetroMorphosisIn the News

By George Morris, The Advocate Black Out Loud Conference held in BR The inaugural Black Out Loud Conference celebrated black visibility in the arts, media and activism on Aug. 10-12 in Baton Rouge. Local poet, activist and teaching artist Donney Rose hosted the conference, which was sponsored by the Urban Congress on African American Males in Baton Rouge, …

Despite the racial wealth gap, black philanthropy is strong


Despite the racial wealth gap, black philanthropy is strong By Shena Ashley and Joi James for the Urban Institute The well-documented and persistent racial wealth gap is itself great cause for concern. But it also leads to concern about the implications for broad participation in charitable giving—that is, whether people across income categories, professions, racial or ethnic …

OUR TURN: Urban Congress

MetroMorphosisIn the News

By WAFB Staff| April 12, 2016 at 3:39 PM CDT – Updated July 1 at 2:50 PM  BATON ROUGE, LA (WAFB) – Let’s talk about something positive that is happening in our community this weekend. MetroMorphosis, a non-profit in Baton Rouge, is hosting a conference on the state of African American males in our community. Reservations for …